Balconies are great for growing plants and enhancing the function and aesthetics of your property. Before buying pots, plants, and other items for your balcony, consider the weight. Concrete or terracotta pots and compost can be heavy, compromising the structural integrity of your structure. Additionally, consider how exposed and sheltered the balcony is before growing plants. The amount of sun your balcony receives plays a critical role in supporting the growth and development of plants. If you want to create a green space to unwind after a long day, here are the easiest plants to grow on a balcony.


Herbs are an excellent choice for balconies. Homeowners can enjoy fresh pickings, and the relatively small size of these plants makes them ideal for containers. Balconies that receive a lot of suns are well-suited for sage, thyme, chives, and rosemary. However, if your balcony is sheltered, consider growing mint, dill, parsley, and sorrel, among others.


Houseplants usually grow indoors, but after many winter months, you may give them a holiday on the balcony. Some plant species that relish the brightness and heat of a sunny balcony include succulents and cacti. Shade-loving houseplant varieties like tender ferns, philodendrons, and clothes should be sheltered from the sun to ensure they grow healthy.

Bedding Plants

Bedding plant varieties are many that you can grow on a balcony. Many homeowners take it a notch higher by combining the different varieties of bedding plants. Since most are tender perennials and annuals, your display remains fresh and appealing yearly. If your balcony receives direct sunlight for most of the day, consider growing coleus, pelargoniums, and zinnias. Bedding plant varieties for shaded balconies include nicotianas and begonias.

Japanese Maple

Japanese maples thrive in sheltered, shady balconies. Although some varieties grow tall, choose a slow-growing dwarf variety such as “Baldsmith” or “Cripsii.” You won’t have to worry about your plants growing too big and heavy. In addition, Japanese Maple shade-loving varieties for sheltered balconies like hostas fend off slugs from your balcony.


Strawberries are among the many fruits you can grow in containers, baskets, and pots on a balcony. There are many strawberry varieties, so it is essential to consult an arborist for advice before growing any plant. A professional can help you grow strawberries in various vessels and recommend other fruits based on the conditions of your premises.


Tomatoes are among the most versatile crops that can grow in containers, including troughs, baskets, and window baskets. Sunny balconies are more suited for tomatoes, but sheltered ones can be redesigned to optimize growth. Besides tomatoes, other crops you can grow on a balcony include spring, onions, runner beans, and lettuce. These space-saving vegetables provide sustenance and improve the overall appeal of your home.

These popular options are recommended for balconies you can grow with minimal effort. At Bay Area Cable Railing, we provide top-notch railing services to ensure your plants are safe throughout the year. Our customized designs guarantee optimal growth while enhancing structural integrity to support your plants.

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